Results for 'Per N. Andersen'

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  1.  42
    Severity of Autism Symptoms and Degree of Attentional Difficulties Predicts Emotional and Behavioral Problems in Children with High-Functioning Autism; a Two-Year Follow-up Study.N. Andersen Per, T. Hovik Kjell, W. Skogli Erik & G. Øie Merete - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Effects of Music on Agitation in Dementia: A Meta-Analysis.Siv K. A. Pedersen, Per N. Andersen, Ricardo G. Lugo, Marita Andreassen & Stefan Sütterlin - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  3. Sensitive Judgement: an Inquiry Into the Foundations of Nursing Ethicas.N. Per - 1998 - Nursing Ethics 5 (5):385-392.
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    A Perspective of International Collaboration Through Web-Based Telecommunication–Inspired by COVID-19 Crisis.Hamed Zaer, Wei Fan, Dariusz Orlowski, Andreas N. Glud, Anne S. M. Andersen, M. Bret Schneider, John R. Adler, Albrecht Stroh & Jens C. H. Sørensen - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    The tsunami effect of the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting many aspects of scientific activities. Multidisciplinary experimental studies with international collaborators are hindered by the closing of the national borders, logistic issues due to lockdown, quarantine restrictions, and social distancing requirements. The full impact of this crisis on science is not clear yet, but the above-mentioned issues have most certainly restrained academic research activities. Sharing innovative solutions between researchers is in high demand in this situation. The aim of this paper is (...)
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    Downward Causation.P. B. Andersen, Claus Emmeche, N. O. Finnemann & P. V. Christiansen (eds.) - 2000 - Aarhus, Denmark: University of Aarhus Press.
    The book deals with the notion of Downward Causation from a wide array of perspectives, including physics, biology, psychology, social science, communication studies, text theory, and philosophy. The book includes proponents as well as opponents discussing the validity of the notion.
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    Imperative frames and modality.Per Durst-Andersen - 1995 - Linguistics and Philosophy 18 (6):611 - 653.
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  7. Towards a Multifunctional Grammar.'Language, Reality and Mind'in a Grammatical Description.Per Durst-Andersen - 1996 - Hermes 17:75-102.
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    Food Security and Conflict.Per Pinstrup-Andersen - 1999 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 66.
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    Art of Learning – An Art-Based Intervention Aimed at Improving Children’s Executive Functions.Per Normann Andersen, Marita Eggen Klausen & Erik Winther Skogli - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The communicative wheel: Symptom, signal, and model in multimodal communication.Per Durst-Andersen & Paul Cobley - 2018 - Semiotica 2018 (225):77-102.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2018 Heft: 225 Seiten: 77-102.
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    Det Moderne: en bog om Jürgen Habermas.Jørn Erslev Andersen, Hans-Jørgen Schanz & Per Stounbjerg (eds.) - 1983 - Århus: Modtryk.
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    “You Feel They Have a Heart and Are Not Afraid to Show It”: Exploring How Clients Experience the Therapeutic Relationship in Emotion-Focused Therapy.Øystein Ottesen Nødtvedt, Per-Einar Binder, Signe Hjelen Stige, Elisabeth Schanche, Jan Reidar Stiegler & Aslak Hjeltnes - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Poor Quality in Systematic Reviews on PTSD and EMDR – An Examination of Search Methodology and Reporting.Elin Opheim, Per Normann Andersen, Marianne Jakobsen, Bjørn Aasen & Kari Kvaal - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  14.  50
    The effect of Cu on precipitation in Al–Mg–Si alloys.C. D. Marioara, S. J. Andersen, T. N. Stene, H. Hasting, J. Walmsley, A. T. J. Van Helvoort & R. Holmestad - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (23):3385-3413.
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  15.  41
    Reductivism versus perspectivism versus holism: A key theme in philosophy of science, and its application to modern linguistics.Finn Collin & Per Durst-Andersen - 2023 - Theoria 90 (1):56-80.
    We use recent developments within philosophy of science and within certain strands of linguistic research to throw light on each other. According to Ronald Giere's perspectivist philosophy of science, the scientific understanding of reality must proceed along different, mutually irreducible lines of approach. Giere's proposal, however, leaves unresolved the problem of how to integrate the ever‐growing multitude of highly diverse scientific accounts of what is, after all, one and the same world. We propose a technique for the alignment of different (...)
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  16.  21
    Contextual Variability in Personality From Significant–Other Knowledge and Relational Selves.Susan M. Andersen, Rugile Tuskeviciute, Elizabeth Przybylinski, Janet N. Ahn & Joy H. Xu - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  17. Executive Function, Behavioral Self-Regulation, and School Related Well-Being Did Not Mediate the Effect of School-Based Physical Activity on Academic Performance in Numeracy in 10-Year-Old Children. The Active Smarter Kids Study.Katrine N. Aadland, Eivind Aadland, John R. Andersen, Arne Lervåg, Vegard F. Moe, Geir K. Resaland & Yngvar Ommundsen - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  18.  1
    What Social Robots Can and Should Do: Proceedings of Robophilosophy 2016.Johanna Seibt, Marco Nørskov & Søren Schack Andersen (eds.) - 2016 - IOS Press.
    This book contains the proceedings of the conference "What Social Robots Can and Should Do," Robophilosophy 2016 / TRANSOR 2016. Featuring 13 plenaries and 74 session and workshop talks, the event turned out to be the world's largest conference in Humanities research in and on social robotics.
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  19.  7
    Digitalisierung und Ethik in Medizin und Gesundheitswesen.Stefan Heinemann, David Matusiewicz & N. Andersen (eds.) - 2020 - Berlin: Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft.
    Wenn digitale Technologien wie künstliche Intelligenz, Blockchain und Robotik auf die Medizin treffen, entstehen zwangsläufig ethische Fragestellungen. Diese lassen sich nicht ohne Weiteres mit medizinisch-technologischen, rechtlichen oder ökonomischen Argumenten allein beantworten. Neue Themenfelder wie die sich wandelnde Rolle der Patienten, die neue Verantwortung von Ärzten und Pflegenden, neue digitale Möglichkeiten in der Medizin, Smart Hospitals im Klinikalltag, die gesellschaftliche Legitimität eines möglichen dritten Datengesundheitsmarktes, eine zukunftsfeste Ausbildungslandschaft für den Gesundheits-/Medizinbereich sowie die Grenzen der digitalen Forschung bedürfen einer kritischen und gleichzeitig (...)
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  20.  18
    The word revisited: Introducing the CogSens Model to integrate semiotic, linguistic, and psychological perspectives.Stine Evald Bentsen & Per Durst-Andersen - 2021 - Semiotica 2021 (238):1-35.
    The paper develops a new holistic theory of the word by integrating semiotic, linguistic, and psychological perspectives and introduces the Cogitative-Sensory Word Model, the CogSens Model, that unites the human mind and body. Saussure’s two-sided sign is replaced by a Peirce-inspired three-sided conception in which the expression unit mediates two content units, namely, an idea content connected to the human mind and an image content linked to the human body. It is argued that it is the word that makes human (...)
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  21.  4
    Nærhed ved domstolene: et spørgsmål om retfærdighed og legitimitet.Søren Stig Andersen - 2012 - København: Jurist- og Økonomforbundets Forlag.
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  22.  25
    Translational neonatology research: transformative encounters across species and disciplines.Mie S. Dam, Per T. Sangild & Mette N. Svendsen - 2018 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 40 (1):21.
    This paper explores the laborious and intimate work of turning bodies of research animals into models of human patients. Based on ethnographic research in the interdisciplinary Danish research centre NEOMUNE, we investigate collaboration across species and disciplines, in research aiming at improving survival for preterm infants. NEOMUNE experimental studies on piglets evolved as a platform on which both basic and clinical scientists exercised professional authority. Guided by the field of multi-species research, we explore the social and material agency of research (...)
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  23.  53
    Per pinstrup-Andersen, Peter Sandøe (eds), ethics, Hunger and globalization. In search of appropriate policies. Springer, 2007.Cor van der Weele - 2009 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 22 (4):389-394.
  24.  56
    Per pinstrup-Andersen & Peter Sandøe (eds.): Ethics, Hunger and globalization. In search of appropriate policies. (The international library of environmental, agricultural and food ethics 12), dordrecht, Springer, 2007. [REVIEW]Johan De Tavernier - 2009 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 22 (4):383-388.
  25.  96
    How Digital Food Affects Our Analog Lives: The Impact of Food Photography on Healthy Eating Behavior.Tjark Andersen, Derek Victor Byrne & Qian Janice Wang - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Obesity continues to be a global issue. In recent years, researchers have started to question the role of our novel yet ubiquitous use of digital media in the development of obesity. With the recent COVID-19 outbreak affecting almost all aspects of society, many people have moved their social eating activities into the digital space, making the question as relevant as ever. The bombardment of appetizing food images and photography – colloquially referred to as “food porn” – has become a significant (...)
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  26.  36
    RECkoning with the Stakes in Overcoming Representation-Hungry Problem Domains.Rasmus Gahrn-Andersen - 2021 - Acta Analytica 36 (4):517-532.
    The paper reviews the current state of play around anti-representationalist attempts at countering Clark and Toribio’s representation-hunger thesis. It introduces a distinction between different approaches to Chemero’s Radical embodied cognition thesis in the form of, on the one hand, those pushing a hard line and, on the other, those who are more relaxed about their anti-representationalist commitments. In terms of overcoming Clark and Toribio’s thesis, hardliners seek to avoid any mentioning of mental content in the activity they purport to explain. (...)
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  27.  22
    Per Pinstrup-Andersen, Peter Sandøe (eds), Ethics, Hunger and Globalization. In Search of Appropriate Policies. Springer, 2007. [REVIEW]Cor Weele - 2009 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 22 (4):389-394.
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  28. Running Causation Aground.Holly Andersen - 2023 - The Monist 106 (3):255-269.
    The reduction of grounding to causation, or each to a more general relation of which they are species, has sometimes been justified by the impressive inferential capacity of structural equation modelling, causal Bayes nets, and interventionist causal modelling. Many criticisms of this assimilation focus on how causation is inadequate for grounding. Here, I examine the other direction: how treating grounding in the image of causation makes the resulting view worse for causation. The distinctive features of causal modelling that make this (...)
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    David N. Livingstone and Charles W.J. Withers , Geographies of Nineteenth-Century Science. London and Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2011. Pp. x+526. ISBN 978-0-226-48726-7. £35.50. [REVIEW]Casper Andersen - 2012 - British Journal for the History of Science 45 (1):136-138.
  30. A.N. Prior's Logic.Peter Ohrstrom, Per F. W. Hasle & David Jakobsen - 2018 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Arthur Norman Prior (1914-69) was a logician and philosopher from New Zealand who contributed crucially to the development of ‘non-standard’ logics, especially of the modal variety. His greatest achievement was the invention of modern temporal logic, worked out in close connection with modal logic. However, his work in logic had a much broader scope. He was also the founder of hybrid logic, and he made important contributions to deontic logic, modal logic, the theory of quantification, the nature of propositions and (...)
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  31. Per una critica della dottrina pura / Enrico Pattaro. Diritto e magia : saggio su Axel Hägerström / Carla Faralli. Diritto e scienza : saggio su Alf Ross.Rafael Hernández Marín - 1982 - In Enrico Pattaro, Carla Faralli & Rafael Hernández Marín (eds.), Contributi al realismo giuridico. Milano: A. Giuffrè.
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    Per Pinstrup-Andersen & Peter Sandøe (eds.): Ethics, Hunger and Globalization. In Search of Appropriate Policies. (The International Library of Environmental, Agricultural and Food Ethics 12), Dordrecht, Springer, 2007. [REVIEW]Johan Tavernier - 2009 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 22 (4):383-388.
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  33. BäTtre äN Alternativen?Per Molander - 2019 - In Bo Rothstein, Sven Engström & Sven E. O. Hort (eds.), Om Bo Rothstein: forskaren, debattören, livsnjutaren. Lund: Arkiv förlag.
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  34. A. N. prior's rediscovery of tense logic.Peter Øhrstrøm & Per Hasle - 1993 - Erkenntnis 39 (1):23 - 50.
  35. Il Criterio per la suelta delle Cognitioni.N. Fornelli - 1893 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 1 (4):3-3.
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    “Vi forlænger vore hjerner med datamaskiner”: Prognoser om det postindustri- elle samfund og konstruktionen af dansk fremtidsforskning, 1967-1975.Rasmus Skov Andersen - forthcoming - Slagmark - Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie.
    Denne artikel undersøger fremkomsten af dansk fremtidsforskning i forbindelse med samtidige prognoser omkring det postindustrielle videns- og informationssamfunds kommen. Artiklen demonstrerer, hvordan postindustriel teori og hertil knyttede opfattelser omkring fundamentale samfundsforandringer dannede baggrund for fremtidsforskernes interventioner i væsentlige samtidige debatter omkring fremtidens planlægning og politiske organisation. De teknologiske og økonomiske udviklinger, der fulgte med overgangen til det postindustrielle samfund, blev opfattet som uundgåelige af de danske fremtidsforskere, hvilket ledte til et narrativ omkring behovet for konstant og planlagt innovation i alle (...)
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  37. Conceptes per a una filosofia de l'educació pluralista i pacifista.Ramón Valls Plana - 1995 - Lleida: Universitat de Lleida, Institut de Ciències de l'Educació.
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  38. The problem of predestination: as a prelude to A. N. Prior’s tense logic. [REVIEW]Per F. V. Hasle - 2012 - Synthese 188 (3):331-347.
    Arthur Norman Prior's early theological writings have been relatively neglected for many years. Moreover, to the extent that they have been discussed at all they have been treated mainly as youthful work quite separate from Prior's later work as a philosopher and logician. However, as interest in Prior's achievements has been growing significantly in recent years it has become more important to investigate the development with his overall work. In fact, Prior's putatively "youthful" theological work overlapped his work as a (...)
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    Motives for self-employment among people with disabilities in a Swedish context.Per Norstedt Germundsson - 2024 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 18-3 (18-3):5-22.
    Les personnes en situation de handicap sont plus souvent exclues de la vie professionnelle que les autres. L’un des moyens de promouvoir l’inclusion sur le marché du travail est le travail indépendant. L’objectif de cet article est de compléter les connaissances sur les motifs de création d’entreprise chez les personnes en situation de handicap et à capacité de travail réduite en Suède. Des données ont été recueillies auprès de seize personnes en situation de handicap à travers la Suède. Dix entretiens (...)
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  40. Incommensurability and Dynamic Conceptual Structures.Hanne Andersen - 2004 - Philosophia Scientiae 8 (1):153-168.
    Un problème important à propos de l’incommensurabilité est d’expliquer comment des théories qui sont incommensurables peuvent néanmoins entrer en compétition. Dans cet article, on examine brièvement le compte rendu kuhnien de la différence entre transitions conceptuelles révolutionnaires et non révolutionnaires. On argue que l’approche taxonomique kuhnienne et le principe de non-recouvrement qui le sous-tend ne suffisent pas à distinguer entre ces deux types de transition. On montre que cette approche s’appuie principalement sur des analyses de corrélations entre traits, alors qu’il (...)
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  41.  38
    Temporal Logic: From Ancient Ideas to Artificial Intelligence.Peter Øhrstrøm & Per F. V. Hasle - 1995 - Dordrecht and Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Temporal Logic: From Ancient Ideas to Artificial Intelligence deals with the history of temporal logic as well as the crucial systematic questions within the field. The book studies the rich contributions from ancient and medieval philosophy up to the downfall of temporal logic in the Renaissance. The modern rediscovery of the subject, which is especially due to the work of A. N. Prior, is described, leading into a thorough discussion of the use of temporal logic in computer science and the (...)
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  42.  75
    From a logical angle: Some studies in A.N. Prior’s ideas on time, discourse and metaphysics.Peter Øhrstrøm & Per F. V. Hasle - 2012 - Synthese 188 (3):325-330.
  43.  7
    Temporal Logic: From Ancient Ideas to Artificial Intelligence.Peter Ørstrø & Per F. V. Hasle - 1995 - Springer Verlag.
    Temporal Logic: From Ancient Ideas to Artificial Intelligence deals with the history of temporal logic as well as the crucial systematic questions within the field. The book studies the rich contributions from ancient and medieval philosophy up to the downfall of temporal logic in the Renaissance. The modern rediscovery of the subject, which is especially due to the work of A. N. Prior, is described, leading into a thorough discussion of the use of temporal logic in computer science and the (...)
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  44.  44
    The Relevance and Applicability of Process Metaphysics to Organizational Research.Per Ingvar Olsen - 2011 - Philosophy of Management 10 (2):53-74.
    Process metaphysics (process philosophy) has been suggested as a route, to a more ‘processbased’ approach to organizational studies, as opposed to a ‘substance-based’ view said to be dominant in Western thinking — including most contemporary organizational researchers. This paper explores some of the ideas of early-twentieth-century process thinkers and provides an interpretation of some of the major works of Alfred N. Whitehead. The objective is to evaluate its possible relevance to modern organizational research. The paper argues that Whitehead’s radical ontology (...)
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  45.  42
    Prior’s paradigm for the study of time and its methodological motivation.Per Hasle & Peter Øhrstrøm - 2016 - Synthese 193 (11):3401-3416.
    A. N. Prior’s writings should obviously be studied already for historical reasons. His inventions of modern temporal logic and hybrid logic are clearly important events in the history of logic. But the enduring importance of studying his works also rests on his methodological approach, which remains highly relevant also for systematical reasons. In this paper we argue that Prior’s formulation in the 1950s of a tense-logical paradigm for the study of time should be understood in the light of at least (...)
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  46. What Is at Stake in the Disagreement Between Interactivity and Enaction?N. F. Barrett - 2016 - Constructivist Foundations 11 (2):249-251.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Interactivity and Enaction in Human Cognition” by Matthew Isaac Harvey, Rasmus Gahrn-Andersen & Sune Vork Steffensen. Upshot: To sort out their differences with enactive theory, interactivity theorists would do better to focus on operational closure only insofar as it constitutes a condition of intrinsic normativity or self-regulated coupling.
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  47.  29
    A theorem on partial conservativity in arithmetic.Per Lindström - 2011 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 76 (1):341 - 347.
    Improving on a result of Arana, we construct an effective family (φ r | r ∈ ℚ ⋂ [0, 1]) of Σ n -conservative Π n sentences, increasing in strength as r decreases, with the property that ¬φ p is Π n -conservative over PA + φ q whenever p < q. We also construct a family of Σ n sentences with properties as above except that the roles of Σ n and Π n are reversed. The latter result allows (...)
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    At what level of collective equipoise does a clinical trial become ethical?N. Johnson, R. J. Lilford & W. Brazier - 1991 - Journal of Medical Ethics 17 (1):30-34.
    It has often been argued that if a clinician cannot decide which of two treatments to offer, a trial may be ethical, but it is unethical if she/he has a preference. Since individual clinicians usually have a preference, most trials could be judged unethical according to this line of argument. A recent important article in the New England Journal of Medicine argued that individual preferences are not as important as the collective uncertainty of informed clinicians. If clinicians are equally divided, (...)
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  49.  97
    Huge variation in obtaining ethical permission for a non-interventional observational study in Europe.Dylan W. de Lange, Bertrand Guidet, Finn H. Andersen, Antonio Artigas, Guidio Bertolini, Rui Moreno, Steffen Christensen, Maurizio Cecconi, Christina Agvald-Ohman, Primoz Gradisek, Christian Jung, Brian J. Marsh, Sandra Oeyen, Bernardo Bollen Pinto, Wojciech Szczeklik, Ximena Watson, Tilemachos Zafeiridis & Hans Flaatten - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):39.
    Ethical approval must be obtained before medical research can start. We describe the differences in EA for an pseudonymous, non-interventional, observational European study. Sixteen European national coordinators of the international study on very old intensive care patients answered an online questionnaire concerning their experience getting EA. N = 8/16 of the NCs could apply at one single national ethical committee, while the others had to apply to various regional ECs and/or individual hospital institutional research boards. The time between applying for (...)
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  50. Minʻʺ ma chuiʺ hū saññʻ =.Muihammadʻ ʼAlī Hūcauiṅʻnʻ - 2000 - Ranʻ kunʻ: ʼA suiṅʻʺ ʼA vuiṅʻʺ Cā pe.
    On the qualities considered to be negative in a woman as per Islamic teachings.
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